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The Proactive Approach:

"The We Are Water Philosophy" - It is in our DNA"

A precious resource that most people take for granted is WATER. Without it, life on earth will cease to exist. Here are some interesting facts: We humans consist of an average of 60% water! Between 70 and 75 percent of the earth’s surface is covered with water (but not potable water). The larger portion of fresh water is in Mother Earths' underground storage: Aquifers. In short, water is the most precious resource in the world. Therefore, it is crucial to only deploy the most environmentally friendly, accurate, reliable, and time-tested groundwater and surface water sampling and measurement equipment available. Most of you chose your line of work because you care about the environment. In short... being a steward of the environment is in your DNA and you deserve the best tools to get the job done right, the first time, and with the lease amount of carbon footprints. Proactive Environmental Products LLC continues to offer only the best products that will save you time, money, and most important, improves water sample integrity and accuracy. We here at Proactive call this approach the "We Are Water" Philosophy because it's all connected. Proactive would like to thank our thousands of customers worldwide who stay honest to, and pledge daily this philosophy. It is our customers that think proactively, and act on it ultimately doing what's best for Mother Earth today, and paying it forward for generations to come...   

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